A podcast by Rams' fans - for Rams' fans and the wider #RAMILY and beyond! Hosted by Spike Chandler (Rams' all-time leading points-scorer) and Stat-Man Richard Ashton. Each week the dynamic duo will be joined by a special guest! Contains: irreverent humour, the occasional rude word and if we're very lucky the odd mind blowing insight!
Season 3 - Episode 3: With Special Guests Zach Clow and Alannah Malone!
We're joined by Reading Rockets player Alannah Malone and her RAMS personality boyfriend Zach Clow!
It was great having the pair on the show and get a glimpse into another local franchise in the area. Some great chat and another great turn out for our second podcast at The Three Tuns.
Massive thank you to the Ramily that joined it was a brillant evening!
As you look ahead to book in the next RAMS fixtures in the calendar make sure to also head on over to the Reading Rockets website and jump on the opportunity to see a great standard of sport on a Sunday!
Brought to you by TRACK 7 PRODUCTIONS